A healthy Lifestyle Blog

This blog is about how to get slim and healthy just the way nature intended!

What Are The Best Weight Loss Foods

Are you sick and tired of useless tips for losing weight from people who claim to know the right weight loss foods? We call them diet experts. They change their diet advice to suit our tastebuds. With no regard to the needs of our digestive system.

Author: kirstenplotkin2

I am a Writer, Blogger and Author of two books. My favorite subject is food addiction. Or as the food industry wants it to be known: Eating disorders. I was a victim of food addiction. And found a way to cure it and lose the weight for good. My life interests are History, science, and food. I work out daily. I enjoy my family. I like movies and I love to read and write. I have also been know to play computer games, when I can find the time.

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