A healthy Lifestyle Blog

This blog is about how to get slim and healthy just the way nature intended!

How To Stop Eating Too Much

Why are we eating too much? Till the early seventies, the only known and accepted plan for weightloss was the natural foods provided to us by nature. It was a diet made of up of natural diet foods that our digestive system could readily understand. bit.ly/1n5wFDl

What Are The Best Weight Loss Foods

Are you sick and tired of useless tips for losing weight from people who claim to know the right weight loss foods? We call them diet experts. They change their diet advice to suit our tastebuds. With no regard to the needs of our digestive system. bit.ly1rM70RP

What Are The Best Weight Loss Foods

Are you sick and tired of useless tips for losing weight from people who claim to know the right weight loss foods? We call them diet experts. They change their diet advice to suit our tastebuds. With no regard to the needs of our digestive system.

Protein Diet Plan Without A Diet

The tragedy is that it can so easily be changed. All we have to do is reconnect to our own body. Re-learn the intuitive eating that is in tune with our digestive system. And become aware of the foods to avoid. We must also learn to ignore new diets and food industry propaganda. http://www.delicious.com/kirstenplotkin/protein

Protein Diet Plan Without A Diet

Our body is designed for natural food. I know what you are thinking: But our body adapts – right? That is not just wrong. It is a dangerous assumption. Human beings do not adapt. –They evolve. We do not adapt to processed food. This cannot be negotiated with nature.

Protein Diet Plan Without A Diet

It has become increasingly clear that a protein diet plan is far healthier than anything else we have been offered in the past forty years. But we continue to miss the point. It is not carbohydrates that are the culprit. Human beings have enjoyed nature’s carbohydrates for eons. bit.ly1s8s1BD